Cinemap is a movie-location finder for hardcore movie fans and travel junkies. Combining the love of travel and movies into a single app where users can plan a trip to anywhere in the world and see the movie location nearby.
Figma, Illustrator (Logo)
Limited qualitative research. Finding the right icon to explain the different features.
Create a unique astrology-based app that enforces meaningful relationships.
Imagine you are traveling to Los Angeles where numerous movies were filmed and you were wondering where is that location from La La Land where Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone were dancing? maybe you and your friend want to reenact the whole scene for your anniversary photoshoot? Cinemap got you covered.
Transforming Problem to Solution
The easiest part of the job. Gathering information that has aesthetic values. My goal here is to incorporate a minimalistic user interface that complements the imagery photos of the movie location.
Key Questions:
• What is the biggest problem in searching for a film location?
• What do you hope to see in a film-location app?
• How do you feel if a certain feature (matching the scene) is implemented in the app?
The feedback was quite interesting. Some of them actually interested in the social aspect. The majority are movie watchers but only a few of them identify as a particular movie fan. This creates a new direction for the app. Instead of focusing on the movie aspect, I decided to enhance the traveling experience. Adding a geo-map seems to be the best solution for this discovery.
User Persona
After further analysis from UX research, I created a user persona that came from an amalgamation of different people.
Competitor Analysis
I chose 3 different apps for competitor analysis: Placestay, Filmed in Cherokee, and SetJetters. Each of these apps has its own unique aspect but only one has the feature to share photos with other users.
Most of the existing apps are buggy and lack activities. Not to mention the user experience was not enjoyable due to incoherent flow.
The most common problem that arises is the reality of the actual place does not meet the visitor’s expectation. This inspired me to add the social feature where people can share their photos once they reached the film location. The “challenge” feature to match the scene from the movie will encourage the users to be more engaged on using the app.
Design System
Match the scene
Match the scene feature helps build a community within the app as well as create traction. While using this feature, the user will be able to see a thumbnail next to their phone camera in order to get an accurate reenactment of the movie.
Explore & Social
The social aspect of this app is that the users can save their pictures to be shared with the community. The users can also save each location to plan a trip later on.

It was a great challenge to create a mobile app that already existed. During this project, I discovered my ultimate interest in UI UX. Designing the interface while improving the user experience has become my absolute favorite.